Kit Kemp for Annie Selke – Our London Launch
CollaborationsThis week we celebrated the launch of our collection with Annie Selke in London. We were joined by other designers, publications and artists at Ham Yard Hotel's Roof Terrace. We'd like to share with you some highlights from this recent celebration...
This week we celebrated the launch of our collection with Annie Selke in London. We were joined by other designers, publications and artists at Ham Yard Hotel’s Roof Terrace. We’d like to share with you some highlights from this recent celebration…
The collection has 38 rugs and 28 accessories with many rugs and cushions that can be used both indoors and outdoors. They are extremely versatile, durable, fade resistant and of course, pet-proof! We decked out the Roof Terrace with our indoor / outdoor rugs, pillows and bedspreads from the collection. The rich colours and vibrant designs looked magnificent in the glow of sunshine.
Some of these rugs are flat woven using P.E.T (polyethylene terephthalate) performance threads. P.E.T is a non-chemically treated recycled polyester made from recycled plastic water bottles. Not only are the rugs environmentally friendly but they will also stand the test of time. Less stiff than traditional woollen rugs, the tight weaves also allow greater flexibility, making these rugs easy to move between indoor and outdoor areas. They feel like cotton and wear like iron.
We also included our new Tall Trees Coriander Bergamot candle, Flower Power acrylic tray and Travelling Light notebook which can all be found at Shop Kit Kemp.
We even used the collection’s bedspreads as tablecloths which can be used on the reverse side too. We hope you’ll enjoy alternating these joyful designs between the bedroom, garden and perhaps the beach too. Here is how we utilised them on our Roof Terrace tables.
We haven’t been hiding our excitement for the upcoming Jubilee. Here’s the Design Studio’s Willow Kemp with our enormous painting of the Queen in black and grey. It’s found as you enter Ham Yard Hotel’s Roof Terrace and we love seeing the Queen painted in darker tones, contrasting to her usual bright colours. Join in with the festivities and celebrate this incredible milestone at our hotels. For celebrations at home enjoy our other blogs:
Joe’s Jubilee Coronation Crab Salad
Design Threads: Platinum Jubilee Bunting
Lovely Jubbly Jubilee!
The Kit Kemp for Annie Selke Collection is available in the UK from Shop Kit Kemp and Andrew Martin, and in the US from Annie Selke. It has been such a fun project and there’s no feeling quite like it when you see your vision become a reality. I have made a lifelong friend with Annie in the process. What a fun collection to celebrate!