The Christmas Wreath

Day to Day

Each year we create a festive wreath in aid of Place2Be, a wonderful charity that work to ensure children have access to quality mental health services...

Each year we create a festive wreath in aid of Place2Be, a wonderful charity that work to ensure children have access to quality mental health services. The charity raises funds with an annual carol concert and wreath raffle with this year raising £52,000. The highest amount ever!

Bringing together creativity and festive magic, the Christmas Wreath Raffle delivers a stunning variety of wreaths created by different designers.  We teamed up with our close friends at Fine Cell Work to create a show stopping design.

Our quirky wreath features a handsome papier-mâché dog who is dressed in a tailored coat and bow tie. He sits proudly within the elegant 70cm design, which has been brought to life with charming, handcrafted Christmas characters created by Fine Cell Work.

We can’t wait to get involved again and we’re already full of design ideas for next year’s wreath!

Fine Cell Work is a charity that make beautiful hand embroidered products in British prisons. They teach prisoners high-quality paid needlework to help bring confidence, develop discipline and encourage independent, crime-free lives.

We were over the moon with this year’s wreath. Following the raffle we said our goodbyes as it was off to the lucky winner in East London. It was such a delight to receive this wonderful picture of it in its new home, pride of place above the mantelpiece!