Something To Make You Smile

Day to Day

There are always pockets of beauty to discover, even if they don’t make the daily headlines. To make you smile, here are our favourite 7 stories from across the globe this past week...

It’s not always the most uplifting feeling opening the news and catching up on world events at the moment. However, like with anything, there are always pockets of beauty to discover, even if they don’t make the daily headlines.

To bring a little more positivity, here are our favourite 7 stories from across the globe this past week, we hope they make you smile…

1. The first full moon of the year was seen across Europe, with its stunning golden orb hanging in an inky blue sky. It was so beautiful it has been dubbed ‘The Wolf Moon’. This photo was taken in Rincon de la Victoria, in Malaga, southern Spain.

2. Dogs enjoyed the snow – let alone humans!

4. A law has been passed in France to protect the sounds and smells of the countryside. These include cowbells (and droppings), grasshopper chirps, noisy early morning tractors, babbling ducks and geese, which are a new part of France’s natural heritage that will be in its environmental legislation.

3. This plate by Martha Freud sums up our reaction when we find weird and wonderful things at flea markets and antique shops.

5. The seesaws installed in the Mexican border wall have been awarded ‘Design of The Year’ by London Design Museum.

7. Tiny possums have been discovered on Kangaroo Island in Australia after it was feared the fires in early 2020 had wiped them out completely.

6. A woman celebrated her 58th birthday with 58 acts of kindness, including sending gift baskets to COVID nurses and hand painting signs for her neighbours gardens, reminding them of how wonderful they are.

We hope you have enjoyed these little snippets – what good news have you had this week? Let us know on @kitkempdesignthread.