Kit Kemp Design Studio Visit Fermoie

Out and About

Explore the Fermoie factory with us...

Last week, we had the pleasure of visiting one of our all-time favourite fabric houses, Fermoie. A British company known for designing and printing exquisite furnishing fabrics in Wiltshire, Fermoie was founded in 2012 by Martin Ephson and Tom Helme—former owners of Farrow & Ball. With their deep knowledge of design, colour, texture, and printed textiles, they have crafted a brand that is synonymous with quality and tradition. All of Fermoie’s fabrics are not only designed in-house but also printed in their own factory using traditional techniques, resulting in textiles that have the subtlety of a woven fabric.

Jamie, one of the brand’s representatives, along with his wonderful team, welcomed us and gave us a tour of their printing factory, design office, and the facility where they manufacture their own lampshades and soft furnishings. Our day began at 10 AM when we set off from our South Kensington Studio and made our way to Wiltshire. Upon arrival, we were greeted with tea, coffee, and biscuits—a warm start to what would be a memorable day.

Jamie introduced us to the entire Fermoie team, who were not only delightful but also incredibly insightful. Our tour kicked off with a visit to the design office, where we had the chance to see the in-house artists sketching and drawing designs that would later be transformed into beautiful prints. It was fascinating to witness the journey from initial inspiration to detailed sketches and finally to the finished textile designs.

Next, we had the opportunity to select two colours to create our very own colourway of ‘Wave’, one of our favourite designs. We chose a rich earthy red and a mustard yellow, creating a stunning combination.

We then moved on to the factory, where we saw the paint pigments being mixed—a thrilling experience, especially as we watched our new ‘Wave’ colourway come to life. We’re currently scheming with this new fabric for an upcoming project, so stay tuned!

For lunch, Hannah and her mum treated us to a delicious spread of homemade quiches and salads—a true delight!

After lunch, we were mesmerised by a visit to their lampshade factory, where the small, dedicated team crafts nine lampshades a day. We observed the entire process, from fitting the fabric onto the lampshade frames to the final touches of lining and adding contrasting trim. As a lovely surprise at the end of the day, the Fermoie team generously invited us to choose fabrics from their offcuts, which they will use to create custom laptop cases for us. We can’t wait to receive them!

Our visit to Fermoie will remain in our memories for a long time. It was an incredibly special day, filled with knowledge, kindness, and inspiration. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Jamie and the entire Fermoie team for their hospitality. We’re eagerly looking forward to using more of their fabulous designs—there are plenty of exciting new textiles on the horizon, so keep an eye out!