On the Shoulders of Giants: Champions of the World’s Toughest Row Across the Atlantic

Day to Day

Congratulations to Justin, Dan, Mark and Rory. It has been fabulous to follow your story and admire how you tackled a challenge like no other...

Congratulations to Justin, Dan, Mark and Rory. It has been fabulous to follow your story and admire how you tackled a challenge like no other. Even better to actually win the race!

Here’s what rowing the Atlantic looks like – before and after…

We have a month-long rehab programme from our physical trainer to help with this once we are back in the UK. We are also working hard to put back on the weight lost (up to 10kg).

Our strategy of multiple helpings of ice cream, cookies and chocolate sauce per day has seen the weight go back in all the wrong places!

Mentally, we all needed some decompression after getting off the boat, time away from phones and laptops really helped. But now we are back to normal and preparing ourselves to go back to work!

Our total raised for charity currently stands at just over £45,000. We have been overwhelmed by the support and generosity we have received. We cannot say thank you enough!

Although the race has finished, we will continue fundraising for our two amazing charities, MyName5Doddie and PIP!

So what’s next? We are all very happy with how the row went and even happier that we don’t have any unfinished business with no need to go back! With a week passed since we got off the boat, we are still very much in the ‘one and done’ camp with regards to ocean rowing! However, I’m sure there will be other challenges we will get involved in – watch this space!

This week, we caught up with the team as they spent a week recovering at the finish in Antigua.

Physically, the aches and pains have eased. Although mobility in the hands is taking sometime to recover. We are still struggling with grip and can’t fully clench our fists. The body still has plenty of recovery to go through though, we went for a short jog yesterday and it was shocking how slow and difficult running was!