How We Use Polished Metals

Day to Day

A material we love to use in our schemes is polished metal. Join us as we explore five intriguing ways to seamlessly weave this alluring element into the tapestry of interior design...

A material we love to use in our schemes is polished metal. It exudes a reflective, gleaming quality, infusing spaces with sophistication and a contemporary flair. This enchanting element comes in various metallic shades, from stainless steel and chrome to brass and copper. Join us as we explore five intriguing ways to seamlessly weave this alluring element into the tapestry of interior design…


In this bedroom at Crosby Street Hotel, we’ve chosen to incorporate metal bobbin desk lamps. Their glossy surfaces naturally draw the eye, creating a captivating focal point. These lamps perform a magic trick as they make a room appear more spacious by reflecting light back into the space.

At The Soho Hotel, you’ll find similar table lamps gracing the console table in the Drawing Room. Here, metal provides a striking contrast to the wooden antique pieces, fabrics and stone fireplaces. They introduce depth and texture into the space and strike a harmonious balance.


Our bathrooms exude an air of sleek grandeur, courtesy of polished chrome. Freestanding baths are classic pieces, bestowing a touch of elegance upon spaces. They are timeless!


Small but mighty, polished nickel studs wield substantial influence. They possess the power to accentuate design features and boundaries while introducing a luxurious touch. Often, we position them between our main headboard fabric and a contrasting depth, serving as a defining feature that impeccably completes the space.

Bars and Countertops

We love to use polished pewter countertops for our bars. Pewter’s malleability allows it to be expertly moulded and its resistance to tarnishing means it requires minimal maintenance. This durability makes it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas, guaranteeing longevity. Here is an example at The Whitby Bar.

We hope this blog post has ignited your creativity and inspired you to incorporate polished metals into your own interiors!


Our hotel exteriors bear polished metal signs, proudly displaying the name. This subtle yet impactful addition bestows a sense of luxury and grandeur upon each entrance, leaving an undeniable impression on visitors.