How to Create Seamless Spaces

How To

Creating a harmonious and cohesive environment is crucial when designing a space. Unifying a room is key to achieving a balanced and seamless atmosphere. Today on the blog, we’re sharing our top tips on how to make your room sing!


A simple yet effective way to unify a room. Go beyond matching fabrics and bring cohesion by aligning artwork with elements of your room. At The Soho Hotel, we meticulously picked the pink from the headboard and extended this hue through the artwork and sofa.

On the opposite wall, two artworks are stacked vertically. The lime green fabric picks up the green from our ‘Peace and Love’ fabric by Christopher Farr, used for the curtains, effectively tying the room together.

In Residence 18 at Ham Yard Hotel, mirrored artworks on either side of the bed create symmetry, enhancing the room’s enclosed, balanced feel.


Patterns are a powerful way to balance and unify a room. Repeating prints and fabrics creates a seamless flow, especially in suites where a consistent theme is needed. In room 1002 at Warren Street Hotel, the colours blue, red, and white dominate. Our ‘Small Way’ fabric with Christopher Farr in blue and red ties the bedroom and drawing room together.

For added depth, play with different textures while maintaining repetition. In another room at Warren Street Hotel, we used our ‘Ozone’ wallpaper in ‘Aqua’ for an accent wall, mirrored by linen curtains in the same pattern.

Enhance consistency by enlarging a pattern element to create an appliqué, adding craftsmanship and unity.


Materials can be the unifying thread throughout a space. In one residential project, the use of wood throughout the room serves as the cohesive element, contributing to a calm, fresh design with earthy and warm colours.

In small spaces, creating a unifying element is crucial to avoid disconnection. In an entrance, the repetition of wood in furniture, mirrors, and accessories guides the eye through the room, creating an invisible path.

Mood Boards

Finally, create mood boards ahead of your project. They help visualise the overall look and identify elements that will create a seamless thread across your space.

We hope these tips help you weave together different elements into a cohesive design narrative, creating balance and transforming rooms into harmonious schemes. Share your space with us and follow more of our tips @kitkempdesignthread.