Strip Tease! Our Guide to Strip Lighting

How To

Join us as we share examples of how to incorporate strip lighting...

Lighting is one of the most powerful tools of interior design. Breathing life into a space, lighting is an unsung hero that can totally transform a space. We’d like to shine focus on a hidden but mighty lighting feature – the LED strip light. Join us as we share examples of how to incorporate strip lighting…

Ceiling Coves

Indirect light is the key to creating a well-lit space. We love a combo of lamps, wall lights and a lit ceiling. By placing strip lighting in the cove of a coffer ceiling, the overall light output is increased without creating harsh, direct downlight. The result is a nice glow which also creates interest overhead. Do not forget the power of designing the ‘fifth wall’ – check out our blog post: Look Up.

Mini Bars

All of our mini bars are built-in and upon opening the doors, lighting automatically illuminates the refreshments within. A humble hidden strip light creates the experience.

Similar to the cabinet, we also use strip lights to add a layer of interest to bookshelves. Here in The Whitby Hotel’s Reading Room, the bookshelf’s glow adds warmth.

Cabinets & Shelving

Illuminating the contents within, we love using strip lights to brighten cabinets and bookshelves. The key here is to install the lighting on the underside of each shelf, towards the front. This means all items within are well lit, but the strip remains hidden.

Bathroom Niches

If you have stayed at our hotels, you may have noticed a lovely offering of RikRak products on the niche shelf in the shower or above the bathtub. We utilise waterproof strip lights in these niches to create drama and interest.

We hope you feel inspired to add and conceal strip lights. Getting creative with lighting is an easy way to add drama to any space!


Adding non-direct light to a dining area is crucial to creating a great atmosphere and we achieve this by placing strip lighting behind banquettes.