Dressing Up: Creating A Space Just For You

Day to Day

We may have a little longer to wait before venturing out, but to prepare us for brighter days ahead we are taking a look at some of our favourite dressing table designs and sharing some tips on how to make these spaces special...

Whilst putting on a fabulous outfit and all your regalia might feel like a snapshot from a past life, we thought it was time to celebrate the art of dressing up and the theatre of getting ready for something special.

Getting ready for a night of possibilities is one of those everyday excitements that we are all lacking these days. But conjuring up gorgeous outfits and playing dress up for a simple date in your kitchen can be a joyful way to break the monotony. We may have a little longer to wait before venturing out, but to prepare us for brighter days ahead we are taking a look at some of our favourite dressing table designs and sharing some tips on how to make these spaces special. You may not be able to walk out the front door to attend that fabulous party, but we can certainly take time to make our dressing tables look and feel important.

One of my all time favourite dressing table nooks has to be this cacophony of pattern, colour and texture. This corner from the Turnell & Gigon showroom is so much fun and it’s all about layering. When getting dressed you want to feel inspired and cheerful. It’s such a ritual of the day and it should always feel fun.

In keeping with the theme of abundance, we love to decorate our dressing tables with jewels and trinkets. Sparkling necklaces draped over side mirrors or lamps is an easy decorative tool, yet it’s also a fail safe way to ensure all your treasures get used.

We layered a cascading floral on the walls with this neat little Sari design on the table skirt, mannequin and side chair. I always like to add a side chair in a dressing room if there is space –it is somewhere to pull on a pair of boots or for someone to pop in for a chat. This little table isn’t much in the way of size, but using the layers of mirror with a window behind to brighten the area gives it prominence. The antique table mirror in front of the chunky verdigris mirror on the wall feels abundant. An extra layer of jewel-like lights by Margit Wittig add to this sense of layered luxury.

The placement of your dressing table is key. If you have the luxury to place your table in front of a window, the natural light and a view are two of the key ingredients for a well put together dressing table. I love how the curtains flank the antique dressing table, creating the feeling of a stage set.

An antique table mirror is the perfect addition, since the window prevents one from being hung on the wall. Flanked by these two Staffordshire dog lamps, there is a symmetry at play which is equally important for making this tiny little haven feel relaxing. The embellishments of this dressing table include a gorgeous vintage fabric laid over the table, and a treasure trove of jewels draped over the mirror and drawer handles.

If you’re putting together a scheme for your dressing area, go with the colours and patterns that you adore. It is important that those few minutes at your dressing table are some of the most meditative of the day. However, there is a formula to the colours which should be used for a dressing space: pinks, pastel oranges and warmer tones are always the most flattering on your skin. We tend to shy away from greens and zesty tones in a dressing space which can often wash you out.

This marquetry Escritoire Desk creates a perfect corner for a dressing table that can double as a writing desk complete with favourite pictures and leather bound books.

A dressing table here is tucked away at the end of the bed by the window, to make the most of the good lighting for putting on makeup.

Whilst getting dressed up might feel like a distant luxury at the moment, so too can the idea of making space for a dressing table in the home. A little area to get ready is not always the most important use of space. That said, if there is even the tiniest nook or the smallest opportunity, we urge you to create a space to relish a morning or evening routine, it’s often the little rituals that bring the most pleasure.

A tiny dressing table like this one is just enough for a morning skin or makeup routine. A larger mirror makes up for the lack of table space, and a neat little upholstered chair adds comfort.

If a table simply isn’t possible, sometimes a beautiful chair is all you need. Somewhere to sit and reflect as you put on or take off shoes at the beginning or end of the day. A special antique chair with a combination of your favourite fabric such as this one is a beautiful accent in a bathroom or bedroom corner.

We hope this inspires you to start getting dressed up in whatever capacity. From the home to yourself, everything needs that self-imposed feeling of excitement and luxury right now. If getting dressed up isn’t for you, then a small space that is your very own is the ticket – check out our Blog ‘A Place to Put Pen to Paper’ for more ideas on how to reward yourself with a designed area for those all-important stolen moments.