Blown Away – Sandra Blow R.A.

Day to Day

It’s a risky business meeting one of your heroes or heroines. You can so often be disappointed! I was lucky enough to meet one of mine, the artist Sandra Blow (1925-2006)...

It’s a risky business meeting one of your heroes or heroines. You can so often be disappointed! I was lucky enough to meet one of mine, the artist Sandra Blow (1925-2006). We met in St Ives some twenty years ago, her studio was a hive of activity. Despite being in her 80s, I remember being so inspired by her passion for her work and its bold yet gentle impact.

Although admired at the time, I was convinced Sandra Blow’s work should have been celebrated more and sure enough in the last twenty years, the prices of her work have risen dramatically.

Sandra Blow’s masterpieces consist of her clever use of colour and positioning of shapes, often in collage. Her artworks breathe life into a room.

As you enter The Soho Hotel, you are greeted by this fabulous painting by Sandra Blow. The image is sophisticated and architectural, with a fun twist. I think the combination of materials in this image works really well.

Off the spill out area and connecting to The Crimson Bar, there is no need to explain why this space is called the Sandra Blow Room! This black and white room was given a pop of colour with this contemporary Sandra Blow collage.

Downstairs in the event’s spill out area are seven of Sandra Blow’s paintings. The elements of this area are definitely bold, but like in Blow’s paintings, there is space to breathe.

The Library at Haymarket Hotel would not be complete without this painting. It creates impact yet gives the room order.

In the lobby at Ham Yard Hotel, it is a treat to see these screen prints hung together. They inspired the applique wing chairs we commissioned Helena Lynch to make.