A Trip to Washington DC: Design Leadership Summit

Day to Day

We have created a pop-up ‘Caribbean Suite’ in Turnell & Gigon’s Chelsea Harbour showroom in time for Focus/18, part of the London Design Festival.

I was invited to speak at the Design Leadership Summit in Washington DC in early October. This is an event where many leading American interior designers and architects meet and network together. I couldn’t relax until after I delivered my talk, but then I was able to enjoy my surroundings by visiting the breathtaking sites of Washington. Here I am outside the National Gallery, I. M Pei is the architect of this stunning building. I am standing beside the Henry Moore sculpture. You can marvel at the scale and beauty of it.

Inside hangs the largest mobile that Alexander Calder ever produced. The curation of the artworks within the building meant that at every turn another fabulous work of art drew you ever onward around the mighty light filled space. It is a masterpiece.

We visited the Jefferson Memorial and were invited to the British Embassy which is a Lutyens building. Here is a picture of Nina Campbell, Anne Grafton and myself, three English Designers on the town in Washington.