Place2Be ‘Friendly Folk’ Christmas Wreath


Join us as we explore our 'Friendly Folk' Christmas Wreath for Place2Be...

It’s that time of year again when the amazing Place2Be charity hosts a wreath raffle. Place2Be is a children and young people’s mental health charity providing support in schools all over the UK through one-to-one and group counselling methods. They not only support students but also offer guidance and care to families and staff.

At our Design Studio, we always love the challenge of creating an eye-catching wreath with a bit of whimsical fun! We hope the more imaginative and charming the wreath is, the more money it will raise. This is why we planned to jam pack this year’s wreath with lots of ornaments and friendly faces. Join us as we explore our ‘Friendly Folk’ Christmas Wreath! For a chance to win our fabulous wreath, enter the Place2Be prize draw here.

Many of the quirky animals are from our recent Christmas collection with Spode. Inspired by our Patchwork Toys, here are some of the characters from the collection…

Timothy Turkey & Tiffany Pooch

Jambo Elephant & Willow Rabbit

Discover all of our Christmas decorations for Spode at Shop Kit Kemp here.

The other creatures on display are made by Fine Cell Work who create beautiful hand embroidered products in British prisons. They are able to teach prisoners excellent needlework and craftsmanship skills, which brings them confidence and encourages crime-free lives. This is another charity close to our hearts that we have supported for many years. Their Christmas ornaments are always full of wonderful charm! We love the exquisite details like the waistcoat on the polar bears…

We hope you have enjoyed this blog with a little ‘behind the scenes’ of the design idea for our Place2Be charity wreath this year. For more information and to enter the prize draw visit the Place2Be website here.