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Out and About: A Scavenger Hunt Around Hyde Park

As we head into the midst of summer, it is a great idea to take advantage of London’s parks and all they offer. We recently blogged about this year’s Serpentine Pavilion and this week we’re going ‘Out and About’ to Hyde Park again. Join us as we embark on a scavenger hunt around London’s largest park and explore some of the art it has to offer.

Our trail begins at Carriage Drive. The first artwork to search for is The Albert Memorial Sculpture. This ornate sculpture commemorates the death of Prince Albert in 1861. It was designed by artist George Gilbert Scott who was influenced by The Eleanor crosses of the 13th century. The sculpture turns 150 years old this month and it won’t fail to amaze you.

Skip along the path and you’ll head towards a striking bronze statue of a man on horseback. Physical Energy by George Frederic Watts symbolises how we should ‘look towards the future and above the horizon’.

Next it’s time to look for ‘the boy who didn’t want to grow up’. The statue of Peter Pan is a sculpture that takes us back to childhood. When J.M Barrie was writing his first Peter Pan story, Hyde Park was a source of inspiration and in 1912, Barrie commissioned Sir George Frampton to create the sculpture. In the tale of Peter Pan, Peter flies from his nursery and lands along The Long Water lake where the statue now lives beside.

Now we’ll make our way to The Italian Gardens where you will find The Two Bears Fountain. Here you will find a bronze sculpture of bears embracing on a pedestal. Let’s have a drink of water as scavenger hunts are thirsty work!

As we’re feeling refreshed, we can walk towards the six metre high Roman travertine sculpture. The Arch by Henry Moore is made of seven travertine stones which were sourced from a quarry in northern Italy. Moore’s inspiration for this design came from the shape of bone fragments.

We’ve almost reached the end of our scavenger hunt. As you follow The Long Water’s perimeter you will stumble upon The Serenity sculpture which is beside the Serpentine Boating Lake. This striking bronze sculpture of an ibis bird was designed by Simon Gudgeon. Inspired by the Egyptian goddess of nature, this elegant sculpture blends in with its natural surroundings.

With the scavenger hunt complete, drop by at any of our hotels for an aperitif or a spot of Afternoon Tea and enjoy some well deserved rest as you reminisce about your explorations. We hope you can get ‘Out and About’ and follow the trail we have created for you. Happy hunting!

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