A New Year, A New Start

Day to Day

It’s no news that 2020 was, let’s face it, utter chaos. Lives were turned upside down and we were all faced with learning new ways of living, interacting and thinking. Despite this, we hope you have come out stronger, more determined, and have a slightly different outlook on things. Here are a few of our resolutions to make the most of 2021...

It’s no news that 2020 was, let’s face it, utter chaos. Lives were turned upside down and we were all faced with learning new ways of living, interacting and thinking. Despite this, we hope you have come out stronger, more determined, and have a slightly different outlook on things. Here are a few of our resolutions to make the most of 2021.

1. Not taking things too seriously

Not taking things too seriously is top of our list this year as there is so much joy to be seen in the world, even if you have to look a little harder sometimes. When you do see it, smile and enjoy every moment.

2. Enjoy the quiet time and find your moment

Whether it’s working from home for a little longer than we expected, or finding time away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s important to create a space for yourself with natural light where you can switch off with a coffee and magazine, or even just to sit and feel the sun on your face. These moments are so important each day, even just for a few minutes.

4. Declutter your home

One of the best ways to start any new year is to dust off the cobwebs and have a sort through all those little piles of things you have dotted around – we all have them. From a ‘bits and bobs’ drawer to Christmas cards stuffed into a cabinet, giving your home a good sweep out will not only look good but also feel good. Read more about how we style our shelves HERE.

3. Cook delicious food

The kitchen is the family hub of our home. There is always someone cooking or baking, reading a book or taking off muddy boots after a long walk. The banana bread phase might have passed, but we have certainly given our chef hats a dust off and tried some new and exciting dishes that are a first for us. In Design Thread, we share some of our favourite recipes, like this Sea Bass and pancetta with parsley risotto.

5. Write affirmations

If 2020 taught us anything, it is to be thankful for all that we do have. Getting these down on paper and keeping them together is an unexpectedly powerful way of reflecting, especially when you might have a wobbly moment and need a reminder. They can be things like “I am in good health” or “went for a walk by the sea today”, or even as small as “a cup of coffee in the sun this morning”.

7. Get out there

If by now, you are anything like us… human sized pigs in blankets after the Christmas festivities, it’s time to get active again and get that crisp fresh air into your lungs. Try finding a new walking route you haven’t explored before or join one of the many brilliant exercise classes now streaming online or as always, take the stairs!

6. Read more books

There is nothing more serene than curling up with a good book. It’s the ultimate time to switch off and escape into another world. With book stores now closed, how about doing a book swap between friends?

Our friends at Much Ado Books always have excellent recommendations.

8. Keep plants

Somehow, I have managed to keep my indoor tropical plants alive over Christmas and feel like a proud green mother. Whether indoors or out, get your hands dirty by adopting some plants to nurture throughout the year, it has been proven to boost mood, productivity and creativity, as well as cleaning your indoor air by increasing humidity and producing oxygen. Fresh flowers always bring a room to life, and I always love having seasonal clippings from the garden around the house.

Or, if in doubt, get a cactus!

9. Get more sleep

Making your bedroom a space of tranquillity is so important for a good night’s sleep.

Falling asleep and waking up peacefully is key, so cosy up your boudoir with warm throws, cushions and candles for the ultimate evening retreat.

10. Notice the small things

One of the greatest things we learnt in 2020 was to notice the small things that might otherwise go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of normal day-to-day life.

This ties in nicely with a few of our previous points, where taking the time to be in the now allows you to take in details you might otherwise miss. The texture, the light, the balance, however small or great, start to take the time to notice the little things and to realise how much beauty surrounds us everyday.

We’re looking forward to another year of writing to you and sharing our design inspiration, advice and discoveries. We wish you a safe and happy 2021 – let’s go for it!